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 twScBarMove( _SBar, sTop, sLeft, sBottom, sRight )
     Moves the scroll bar display to another position on the screen.
     This function is used in twARPick and twDBPick when the window is
     moved with the corresponding ALT keys.


     _sBar   - 'N' Bar Array

     sTop    - 'N' Spaces to move bar top.

     sLeft   - 'N' Spaces to move bar column.

     sBottom - 'N' Spaces to move bar bottom.

     sRight  - 'N' Spaces to move bar column.


     Bar number.


     twScBarMove( nBar, -1, 0, -1, 0 )

     Moves bar up one space.

See Also: twSCBarNew()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson